Akwukwo icho oru
Ngwa mmepụta ihe
1. Acetic acid is a bulk chemical product and one of the most important organic acids. Mainly used for the production of acetic anhydride, acetate and cellulose acetate. Polyvinyl acetate can be made into films and adhesives, and is also the raw material for synthetic fiber vinylon. A na-eji acetate acetate mee ka rayon na ihe nkiri na-eme ngagharị.
2. Acetate ester formed from lower alcohol is an excellent solvent and is widely used in the paint industry. N'ihi na actic acid na-agbanyekarị ihe ọ bụla, actic acid bụ ihe a na-ejikarị sosnic sochiri (dịka ọmụmaatụ, ejiri na-emepụta terphalic acid).
Enwere ike iji acetic acetic acid na-apụta na ngwọta na ngwọta na-adịghị ike. The solution can improve the binding force of the passivation film and is often used to adjust the pH of weakly acidic plating solutions.
4. A na-emepụta actate, dị ka nnu nke manganese, sodium, aluminum, cobalt na ọla na ihe ndị na-eri nri na akwa akpụkpọ anụ; lead acetate is lead white in paint color; Enwere ike iji Tetracetate synhesis sinthesis (dịka ọmụmaatụ, a ga-eji enwere ike iji ya mee ihe dị ka ihe siri ike, na-akwadebe ihe dị iche iche, wdg).
Oge post: Novolu 27-2024